Suicide Butterflies.No! I wasn't thinking suicidal-God forbid! It's just these butterflies that can be found in display at Quadrangle from fortnight ago. The artist - Gala Tomasso, had choosen the title 'Suicide Butterflies' to this unique piece of art which reflects the incidence of suicides in Ireland. I was wondering when I took these pictures,
"Is suicide is a big issue in Ireland?". So, I browsed through the internet to find out more. Well, actually the figure
is worrying. Ireland's suicide rate is the quite high compared to other European country. This evoke my curiosity, why people want to end their lives?
"Suicide in Ireland is a major public health problem with 480-500 deaths per year. It causes more deaths than road traffic accidents.
"The age groups 15-44 have seen the greatest rise in recent years and it is also this group which has the highest incidence.
We also have one of the highest male:female ratios in Europe at between 4 and 5:1. Female rates have slightly increased in recent years but it is in male rates that the increase has been dramatic.
The most common suicide methods used are hanging (47%), followed by drowning and poisoning (22% and 18%) respectively.
The peaks are seen in April and August.
Much of this has been confirmed by the recent national study by the Department of Public Health - 'Suicide in Ireland'."
Taken from :
here"Suicide Definition and Statistics 02 August 2005
Suicide is the result of an act deliberately initiated and performed by a person in the full knowledge or expectation of its fatal outcome.
World Suicide Rate - 15.1 per 100,000.
Note: Rates are expressed in suicides per year per 100,000 people.
- Rate of suicide is almost universally higher among men compared to women by an aggregate ratio of 3.5:1.
- Over the past 30 years the suicide rates seem to have remained quite stable.
- Geographically, changes in suicide rates vary considerably.
Some rates from different countries are:
East Europe - 50's
Sri Lanka - 33
China - 27
Malaysia - 15
Singapore - 11.4
US - 12
Canada - 14
Ireland - 15
Iran - 1
Singapore (lowest in Malays rather than Chinese and Indians)
Reported rates may differ from actual rates.
Source: WHO Report on Mental Health: (short and well worth reading)"
Taken from:
hereWhat makes someone wants to end his/her life? Depression is a major contributor especially in young people. Life is not all about sunshine, flowers and rainbow. People struggle to make ends meet. We have to strive to adapt with changes. Even friends could be a burden sometimes. Others just couldn't find love and feel hopeless. Sometimes we
do feel upset or unhappy with everything that is happening in our lives. Some people feel they just couldn't bear with the load and responsibilities anymore. Having to think that is nothing left for them in this world, a person decide to end his/her life. We
are living in a self-centered world. There are people who care but there are much more who don't. Sad isn't it?
Some end their life as they had suffer the lost of a loved ones. Perhaps, lack of support during the stage of bereavement could be one of the reason. Other, having suffered terminal illnesses decide to end their lives maybe because they cannot see hope in living anymore. There are many more reasons why people want to end their lives; further reading can be found :
hereEven as I write this, I feel overwhelm by emotions. Sad. Scared. Confused. Trying to put myself in their shoes and feel their burden. What a heavy feeling when I think there is no other choice for me but to end my life. I don't know what awaits me after I am dead, but I don't want to live another day facing these burden either. I don't know what else to do, or whom else to turn to. What else should I do? Is there God somewhere? Why doesn't He listen to me or help me going through this? Am I going to meet Him when I die or is dying just another cycle of life?
It is a big issue when someone wants to end his/her life. It's an irreversible decision, it's a fatal act. Aware. Help. Support. Love.