b Purely Gibberish

Friday, April 20, 2007

A Reason To Be Happy.

...'love', a word that is overly used..


For two nights in a row, I've been feeling a little bit upset because of my inability to put an I.V. catheter into patient's vein. First time I tried was on Wednesday night and I missed the vein by a few micrometers and punctured the patients' muscle instead. No blood came out, of course. In the end, Dr. Matt had to put it in himself. Thank God, the patient wasn't upset or anything, but I can see that Dr. Matt was a bit disappointed. Last night I tried again, but that patient is too old and usually old person has 'weak veins' and are easily ruptured (Dr. Sarah taught me this). I got the vein all right, but because I was trembling vigorously, I managed to rupture it too. When the lab result came out, the reading was totally screwed because the blood sample was hemolyzed. I was so upset with my inadequacies that I wasn't able to face Dr. Matt- at all. So, like usual he had to cover up my mistakes (again) and drew out the blood himself. *tears* I am sorry Dr. Matt!!!!

This morning, I was hanging around Dr. Sarah as usual. We met this patient with a probable appendicitis and Dr. Sarah look at me in the eyes and ask, " Do you want to do her blood?". I was reluctant to say yes because I've started to think that I will never do it right. So, my brain instantly screaming, "No Farah, do not agree to this offer. You will never do it right. You're just going to hurt another patient today. Do you need to be disappointed for the third time?". Guess what, I said "Yes" to Dr. Sarah's offer- instantly. It's like my mouth just ignoring the "NO, THANK YOU" signal sent from my brain. I almost kick myself for agreeing.

Actually, I did it right this time. Alhamdulillah. Blood was oozing smoothly out from the I.V. catheter and into the syringes and I just couldn't stop smiling. Dr. Sarah praised me a few times for my success. And nothing, that anyone could say to me today that can undo that happiness~~



Anonymous Anonymous said...

perseverance is the key to success! we learn from our mistakes im sure they were once like us too.

9:19 PM  
Blogger fAraHnaDiaH said...

yerp, it's true amira. Just be patience and we will get it right at the very end. :)

9:15 PM  
Blogger Farah Haida said...

hey, congratulations. you don't get this far by being scared. proud of you, dear. ^_^

5:54 AM  
Blogger fAraHnaDiaH said...

thanks kak farah! :)

8:21 PM  

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