b Purely Gibberish

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


...sometimes you just made me wonder. And now, I am still wondering...


Nora gave me a surprise visit just now; boy I really was surprised! Haha. Thank goodness my room wasn't as messy as this morning though. Phewwww~!!

A&E attachment starts tomorrow morning. I sort of skipped today's session. Haha...naughty me. I had a brief chat with Eamonn after pathology lecture, boyyyyy I missed his jokes. Teehee. Too bad though that he wasn't in the same group as me; or else we would be laughing together, all the way through A&E attachment - in sickness and in health, until summer holidays do us part. Well, imagine that!

Anyway, I always talk nonsense here. Imagine people reading this blog and they were like thinking.."what's with this girl?" *shrug*

Hah! This afternoon, we had to fill up some sort of survey form distributed by the Surgery team. Two most important questions listed on the top of the page were :
1) Do you find surgery interesting?
2) Would you consider to do Surgery in the future?

My answers were:
1) Yes
2) Are you crazy?? DEFINITELY YES!

Haha.. Not really, I only put 'yes' as the answer for question 2.

Well, the odd thing was that later in the evening Hani told me I'd do better in Medicine instead of Surgery because I am such a 'people friendly' person. Really, Hani? even I feel surprised with that comment.


Blogger jeem said...

i think u'll be good as a surgeon toĆ³.dr farah nadiah,a surgical intern!waaahhhhh!!!!!!=)

9:47 PM  
Blogger fAraHnaDiaH said...

teehee....well, imagine that! Me, an intern! Don't want it to happen too soon though, life as a student is too enjoyable! :)

10:02 AM  

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