b Purely Gibberish

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ohhhh Dr. C!!

The ward round this morning was all about attitude and knowing who's the boss. Watching Dr. F nonchalantly giving orders to his colleagues; I was thinking,"Wow, this man is not a person you want to mess up with". According to a few final meds yesterday, he is very good and really knows his stuff. These 'very good' and 'really knows his stuff' part came with a package unfortunately, it's called 'attitude'. Hello Mr. 'Don't Bleep Me Twice'! Ohh well, he is kind of tough sometimes, but I really like the way he gave Amira and I our own 'private' tutorial this afternoon. The final meds are really going to kill us this time. Yesterday, we were after the same doctor, i.e. Dr. F to give us urology tutorial. Dr. F brushed them off, because he wanted to give us the tutorial - he said that he will give them a tutorial the next day i.e. today. And apparently, today he brushed them off again to next week's tutorial and claimed that he's super busy. But when Amira and I went to see him after that, he immediately agreed to spare us some time to listen to our history taking. Hmmm...I wonder if.... :) Hopefully those final meds will eventually get their tutorial as promised.

Anyway, we were in the theater today with Dr. C! He is SO CUTE! I am so in love with his puppy eyes. I still can remember that look on his face when he was being scolded by that 'granny' nurse for leaving his white coat by the window. She obviously been nasty to everyone. Hello Madam 'Not More Than Three Students In The Theater Next Time'! OMG that was annoying! Okay, our fault for not sorting things out among us. But I think she shouldn't be so nasty with Dr. C. One time during the cystoscopy, she was saying something and Dr. C replied. To my horror she said, " I wasn't talking with you, I was talking with the nurse" plus she was making faces with the doctor! OMG! Whatever!!

Okay, overall I'd say I've enjoyed these two days so far. Lots of drama, lots of action in you know what department. Hahaha. Remember folks, take care of your bladder and kidneys and hopefully you don't have to see us. Or shall I say; take care of your bladder and kidneys so that we don't have to see yours-know-what. :p

p/s: I randomly wrote poems like the one in the previous entries, nobody has to feel attach to it in any way, okay!

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