b Purely Gibberish

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Cocoa Butter and Mallow.

Last night, a patient said to me, " You have beautiful eyes, like the opal stones". I looked at him, quite shocked with that sudden appraisal and became tongue-tied. I said nothing for a good while before the awkwardness of the silence hit me. "Ohh, thanks", that was the only words I could mumbled out - I could feel palpitations of my heart, blood rushing up and blushed my cheeks-bright red. Things like these - beautiful moment with a complete stranger, I find it hard to handle. So, I excuse myself and dashed out as quickly as possible. Haha.

He had beautiful eyes too, pale blue - yet so bright, even the dimmed cubicle that we were in couldn't hide the liveliest of his eyes. So, before I said things like that, it was better that I left the cubicle wasn't it?


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