b Purely Gibberish

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

NOTHING done again!!

It's been 4 days since the holiday begin. It is not suppose to be a holiday anyway. We still have final papers due next month. Exactly a month from today. So, we still have to study, no such thing as holiday,and I think I've had enough rest already. Let's study. Darn~! The sun is shining brightly, the sky is bluest of blue. How can you just sit around and study? It's too tempting to go outside and play!-ehem, I don't mean that literally...hehehhe =)

Anyway, I did went out with Najmi on the other day, I can't remember when. So, I have no excuse to NOT studying today, but my brain is still on HOLIDAY mode. Need to set it back to EXAM mode....please,please study dear brain! Absorb this information I am feeding you. Gagaga..this is what I've been doing this whole day. TRYING to force and stuff my brain up. Poor little fella~ but dear brain of mine, you know that I don't have no other choice? -Fancy talking to my brain, I am starting to lose my mind......help~ seek asylumn with good looking psychiatrist in it to look after me...hehehe

When you are going to study, make sure only IMPORTANT things are around you, such as your BOOKS, NOTES, writing pad, etc. etc. This is an ADVICE to myself actually. What had happened today was, my book was wide open in front of me, so as my dear LAPTOP nicely turned on beside me - a very bad combination to begin with. Firstly, my eyes were concentrating on the important information in the book, trying to cram everything into my brain. All of a sudden, I was facing my laptop playing freecell. When did this happen? I know I was looking at my book all these while. I am preeetty sure of that. Why am I suddenly playing freecell here-hurmm,I wonder.....

My hands must have a mind of their own. They wanted to play, but the more the merrier-they know that. So, they decided to drag my brain together with them too. My brain tried hard to resist at first and kept on concentrating on the notes, but after a while this poor brain of mine couldn't handle the tempation no more and gave up. So, I end up playing freecell, this whole day today without getting any other job done. It all make sense right? That is the only explaination I can come out with. I can't think of other reason. Can you?

Note to self:hurry up look for that asylumn with good looking psychiatrist in it, just in case. Probably, I should post it in some newspaper classified under 'desperately wanted' section.



Blogger min said...

dear farah [oooo just seeking for looking-good-psyc(i dont know how to spell lak :p) eh???]gonna miss u if u gone so u better stay :D ehhehe

12:14 AM  
Blogger fAraHnaDiaH said...

gonna miss me ek? then, help me sort my mind out. Don't let it wonder off thinking about you-know-who and when is that you-know-who is going to confess his love and devotion to me if he is really meant for me........or else i'll be looking for that psychiatrist soon.. ;)
p/s:you know who is you-know-who right?

9:25 AM  

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