Too Much Time to Be Wasted (not)
Okay, I've got to be honest. I am actually missing those pregnant bellies! Seriously, how will I cope with the mental wards, surrounded with depressed people and panic buttons(just in case). Can I please push MY panic button so that everyone will come and help? Teehee.. Send me over to those midwives, I don't mind pulling some hairs to get 100 more deliveries.
Intan said I can ask about our status indirectly. I am getting anxious as the text are getting more frequent. What does that mean? But to ask that person directly/indirectly...alamak maluuuuuuuuunye ("ohhhh..i feel stupid talking in bahasa!" *quote* Bwahahaha!!) Should I just keep this anxiety in my poor tummy?
This part of the world is getting colder and colder each day. I think I am going down with flu. Sore throat, aching limbs, high temp? Nooooooo..I want to go to Germany this Thursday - and I shall even if I had to wrapped myself in this thick duvet and board in that flight! Boohoooo =(
Isyqi, I am coming no matter what! And Azraai, you will get those flipflops as promised! (very determined)
Ohh..mahukah sesiapa pergi ke town bersama saya esok? *beating eyelashes*
Current situation:
Status: Sick
Mood: oh try to define it!
Lovelife: drama people dramatize everything. Bleaghh..and I am such a drama queen c(=
Financial status: wishing money will fall down from the sky *eyes rolling*
Intan said I can ask about our status indirectly. I am getting anxious as the text are getting more frequent. What does that mean? But to ask that person directly/indirectly...alamak maluuuuuuuuunye ("ohhhh..i feel stupid talking in bahasa!" *quote* Bwahahaha!!) Should I just keep this anxiety in my poor tummy?
This part of the world is getting colder and colder each day. I think I am going down with flu. Sore throat, aching limbs, high temp? Nooooooo..I want to go to Germany this Thursday - and I shall even if I had to wrapped myself in this thick duvet and board in that flight! Boohoooo =(
Isyqi, I am coming no matter what! And Azraai, you will get those flipflops as promised! (very determined)
Ohh..mahukah sesiapa pergi ke town bersama saya esok? *beating eyelashes*
Current situation:
Status: Sick
Mood: oh try to define it!
Lovelife: drama people dramatize everything. Bleaghh..and I am such a drama queen c(=
Financial status: wishing money will fall down from the sky *eyes rolling*
Labels: attachments, friendship, life, trip
oh jawa, sudikah jiwang bersamaku? *barf* hahahaha
hahha mari ke town esok!
yeahhh mari! =)
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