b Purely Gibberish

Monday, June 25, 2007


Imagine yourself facing a big slug, so huge that it even has hands and feet and it could walk! - if it really wants to. But like all the slug in the world it had been lazy and slow and sluggish all the time. All it does all day was eat breakfast, and goes back in the comfortable spot in it's house, all comfy,warm and tucked in, read the newspaper(well, it can read too-of course!) or anything its lazy hands could reach from the comfortable spot....and most of the time dozed off. Now, the slug is getting fatter and fatter but it just don't care for it feels really lazy to do anything about it.

Well, that's how I'd describe myself if you'd ask me. I've done nothing good in particular, it even took me two whole weeks to finish Dan Brown's famous 'Da Vinci Code', and a couple of days to finish J.K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'!!

Terrible isn't it?


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