b Purely Gibberish

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Never before my chest 'felt' this empty
It was so full before, isn't it a pity?

Like a vacuum has suck out its life force.
Heading nowhere, turning around and getting lost.

They're always together since the day I was born.
Now the one called "a heart" is missing, where has it gone?

The heart that felt so tired.
Maybe it'll soon be expired.

It had ran out of burning passion
For love, friendship or fashion(?)

This is my heart I'm talking about
I'd never listen to it as it shouts;

"Take care of me or I'll soon be gone"
"Oh shut up!" I said as I yawn.

"It's the same story again you're just trying to threaten me"
"You'll never go away, you've got nowhere else to be!"

I never listen to my heart as it plea
Take care of it, don't be so carefree

Now that it's so quiet and still
My heart finally left against my own will

Why didn't I listen
I was so ignorant

My dear heart has left me
My dear heart has left me

To 'feel' emotions now I've to consult my frontal lobe
I've nothing else to turn to; it used to be my hearts' job

Never knew emotions are a big burden
Maybe it's easier to fight a war in Verdun

Now there's a big hole in my chest
And of course I look like a big mess

My chest is empty
My heart has left me.




Blogger auramerah said...

gmbr ats skli ko amik erk..
ader unsur jeles kat sini

8:12 AM  
Blogger fAraHnaDiaH said...

a'ah. cube jelaskn sket knape ko jeles? bese je tuh.

8:56 AM  
Blogger atai_mohtar said...

ececeee~.."bese je tuh" adalah ayt merendah diri yg sgt x bley tahann~ (aku pn jeles gak).huhuuu..
btw ur poem did explained it all.ur heart is still with u babe.cuma dia tgh nyorok kt satu sudut gelap sbb merajuk sat..pi la pujuk2,lama2 dia mai la balik..(^_~)

1:38 AM  
Blogger fAraHnaDiaH said...

hihihi cik atai oiii...takkan nk bg jawapan blagak "mestilah gambar aku hensem sebab aku pakai dslr!! Ha ha ha(gelak sinchan)".

My heart is gone wandering, looking for a new owner.. *sob*sob*

9:16 PM  
Blogger atai_mohtar said...

aishh..jgn meragui kesetiaan hatimu bebeh!!.hatimu untukmu,dia xkn mau carik tuan yg br.heheh..
jgn la begini syg.sy sedih jika kamu sedih..tp sy gembira jika kamu b'bokeh!! :P

2:57 PM  

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