b Purely Gibberish

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Cold-so called-Summer.

I don't know either they should be calling this season now, as summer or not. It had been raining all day since I was back from Germany. The only difference between this summer and last winter is that the sun set at 10 pm nowadays. Everything else...I would say pretty much the same. Probably I should measure the quantity of rain now and compare it to rain next winter to get a precise difference. It's not that I have anything else to do right now... What am I saying? Ahhh this is Ireland I am talking about. Even the locals say "You know Ireland, the weather is unpredictable!". Woohoo...so as my mood! =)

Talking about mood, I am totally lost now. Will be going back home in two more days and heck I don't feel excited at all. Why? Something is very wrong here...err.. I need someone to kick me on the head. LoL

Anyway, today I went out to town at noon. Boy, wasn't the weather just playing me off. When I was all set and ready to go I can see the sun is smiling gayly, and so was I. When I opened up the door rain suddenly pouring down out of nowhere. GREAT! So, I went back in and was about to turn on my laptop thinking I probably should go out a little later in the afternoon as the rain seems a little bit heavy than usual-when all of a sudden I can see the rain had stopped. What?

So, I went out on my little journey. I don't know what is wrong with me today-but I think it wasn't such a bad thing either. What am I trying to say is, I don't know why but I think all the people I saw today is very beautiful. Old, young, teenager, male, female...all of them look very pretty. Usually when I go out, all I can see is gloomy faces-but today...aahhh what a wonderful sight. Probably I am in my bestest mood today. And to add up my happy joyous day is that I saw the most alluring guy working in Dunnes Store. It's been a while since I saw anyone that I can consider as 'hot' or 'alluring'...well, minus the time when I was in Germany that is! In Germany, there are loads of 'model like' hunks that sometimes make me think I am walking on a fashion runway. But in Ireland...err...most of the guy is not my type..er.. hihi...except for a few, err like the guy I saw working in Dunnes Store just now. Boy, he surely is hawt.

Bought the bus ticket to Dublin airport and on the way back realised that I had accidently told the girl at the counter a wrong date. I should take the 24th bus, but I told her I'll be taking the bus on 23rd. Silly me. Too lazy to turn back to the bus office. So, probably I'll be going back to town tomorrow. That way I'll have a good excuse to stop by at Dunnes Store! LoL

Note: top pic is me and my dream house...LoL dream on!! It's Neuschweinstein castle in Germany. Beauty isn't. But apparently it was built by 'mad' king of Bavaria, King Ludwig II.


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