Saya rasa saya boleh masuk kategori wanita gagah.
Saya telah menawan gunung kinabalu dengan rekod masa yang boleh dibanggakan.
Saya boleh mengangkat fries 10 kilo/milo@nestea 10L dengan muka selamba gle (zaman kerja kat McD dlu).
Saya pernah mendapat tempat ke-enam semasa marathon di skolah dulu.
Saya pernah turut serta dalam pemilihan calon Akademi Tentera Malaysia dan lulus dengan cemerlang..tapi ahh..tiada jodohku di situ..
Saya tidak pernah tahu saya tidaklah gelap sangat pun sampailah belajar kat Ireland ni, sebab mase sekolah dulu asyik berjemur sampai hangus..(kawad, netball etc.)
Saya rasa saya wanita gagah...jugakla...bleh tahan la.
Tapi..siapa tahu rupanya saya wanita gagah yang akan menjerit ketakutan ble terjumpa pacat [& lintah, slug, gamat dan makhluk2 sewaktu dengannya].
Geli ok!
tolong jangan gelakkan saya.
Ok, now lets talk about serious matters. Today my curiosity had dragged me to - a blog. Yes, a blog. Nothing is particularly special about this blog (or the writer whom apparently went to the same college as me and bound to be very popular due to his good looks). One thing bout this blog that had struck me was the latest entry with an eye-catching title - "Desperate Housewives". In it he rambles about how us i.e. women in general- our ultimate aim is just to get married to a nice guy and be a good housewives no matter how smart/dean-listed/holding multiple degrees etc.[u know what I mean] we are .We just want to be a good housewives and raise our kids at home.
And what is wrong about wanting that??
He also said "most women he knows forget about their ambitions and aim when they had settled down".
Apparently you have a very short list of female acquaintance, boy.
Well, maybe I was being tooooooooo overreacted about this. I should read the whole entryafter I'm done feeling sorry for myself for wanting to become a housewife too. WOAH! and then maybe I would be able to digest his intentions of writing such entry.
Saya telah menawan gunung kinabalu dengan rekod masa yang boleh dibanggakan.
Saya boleh mengangkat fries 10 kilo/milo@nestea 10L dengan muka selamba gle (zaman kerja kat McD dlu).
Saya pernah mendapat tempat ke-enam semasa marathon di skolah dulu.
Saya pernah turut serta dalam pemilihan calon Akademi Tentera Malaysia dan lulus dengan cemerlang..tapi ahh..tiada jodohku di situ..
Saya tidak pernah tahu saya tidaklah gelap sangat pun sampailah belajar kat Ireland ni, sebab mase sekolah dulu asyik berjemur sampai hangus..(kawad, netball etc.)
Saya rasa saya wanita gagah...jugakla...bleh tahan la.
Tapi..siapa tahu rupanya saya wanita gagah yang akan menjerit ketakutan ble terjumpa pacat [& lintah, slug, gamat dan makhluk2 sewaktu dengannya].
Geli ok!
tolong jangan gelakkan saya.
Ok, now lets talk about serious matters. Today my curiosity had dragged me to - a blog. Yes, a blog. Nothing is particularly special about this blog (or the writer whom apparently went to the same college as me and bound to be very popular due to his good looks). One thing bout this blog that had struck me was the latest entry with an eye-catching title - "Desperate Housewives". In it he rambles about how us i.e. women in general- our ultimate aim is just to get married to a nice guy and be a good housewives no matter how smart/dean-listed/holding multiple degrees etc.[u know what I mean] we are .We just want to be a good housewives and raise our kids at home.
And what is wrong about wanting that??
He also said "most women he knows forget about their ambitions and aim when they had settled down".
Apparently you have a very short list of female acquaintance, boy.
Well, maybe I was being tooooooooo overreacted about this. I should read the whole entry
kamu memang wanita gagah....
pi'e dah windu gile kat ko...
die bertanya2 kapan kamu akan pulang kerana dia tak sabar mahu ketemukan kamu dan kita semua...
bulan depan aku pulang. Yosh!! nantikan ketibaan aku pada 2 julai ini =D
woah, ini pijan ke??
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